PANCOM began its operations in 2016. Branching off from industry giant – ECN, PANCOM has triumphantly created a footprint worthy of industry accolades. Initially specialising in Telecoms, with a combined 150 years of sales, operations and technical industry experience, PANCOM offers a holistic multitude of products and solutions putting us at the forefront of industry.
Offering an absolute service from the onset. Upholding integrity together with sound business concepts, ensuring lasting relationships with both customer and supplier. Establishing a solid and dynamic environment within our team.
Lowest call rates in the industry, WITHOUT COMPROMISING ON QUALITY!
Outsource your maintenance & support, OUR EXPERTS WILL LOOK AFTER EVERYTHING FOR YOU!
Stuck on outdated expensive technology, WE CAN UPGRADE OR MIGRATE YOU!
On top of the standard features like Voice and Fax Solutions, we offer fully comprehensive IT Support, Data and Cloud Solutions, PABX, CCTV, and connectivity for unique and comprehensive solutions to serve our clients!